Hello and welcome

to Dettori Publishing

We help publishers, businesses and independent authors turn manuscripts into beautiful books.

Post Pre-press

Professional typesetting, design and editing services for publishers and business.

Independent Ink Logo

Editing, design, typesetting, print and publishing support for all genres of independent authors.

A little bit about Dettori…

Hi, I’m Ann Dettori, one of Australia’s leading publishing experts and bestselling author of The Entrepreneurs’ Guide to Self-Publishing.

As the owner of Dettori Publishing, Post Pre-Press Group, founder of Independent Ink, I love working with authors, publishers and industry specialists to produce professional books.

We provide a range of services for traditional publishing companies and to authors wishing to self-publish.

The Guide

Your Ultimate Guide to Self Publishing

“I wish I had come across a book like this when I was writing my first book a few years ago. It would have saved me many headaches and numerous hours of work. This book is a very well written and greatly needed resource for any author thinking about writing and independently publishing their book.”

Alison Vidotto

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